Frequently Asked Questions

What are the class sizes?

We cap our classrooms at 15 students to 1 teacher.

What is the tuition?

Do you allow ABA’s?

Absolutely! Some children need more 1-1 assistance to manage behaviors and social skills.

What does our curriculum look like?

We utilize curriculum that works on skills rather than being grade-level focused. This allows us to structure individualized learning, strengthen weaker academic skills, and grow students’ academic strengths.

One of our core focus’ are on social-emotional and life skills. We believe that academics are important, but so is interacting with others around us!

Do you live in Washington state?

We can work with you too! Complete a contact form and let us know you’re interested, and we let you know how to make it happen.

What are people saying?

Who do we serve?

We welcome anyone and everyone!

Having a background in homeschooling personally as a child and now as a parent, as well as working with other homeschool families, and specializing in students learning disabilities, it is a passion and something we are excited to offer in our programs!

We have successfully supported students who have been diagnosed with ASD at Level 1 & Level 2, SPD, ADHD, students with Down syndrome, and non-speaking students. We also serve students with Developmental or Intellectual Delays, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and other learning difficulties.

We are specialized in working with neurodiverse students and students with learning disabilities, but we do have limitations. While we recognize that some behavior is due to frustration from lack of understanding and training with our special needs community, we are also not a behavior school.

It is very important that you are honest and transparent when describing your child’s unique needs and challenges so that we can confirm we are able to accurately support your child and ensure that our learning environment is the correct fit to enable your child’s success.

Parent & Family Resources

Other helpful Information:

  • We are an in-person school

  • Lunch will need to be provided from home each day for your student due to not having a kitchen in our facility. However, a refrigerator and microwave will be available.

  • Grades K - 5

  • Half Day Schedule: Mondays to Thursdays, 8:00am - 10:30am

  • Homeschool Schedule: 11:30am - 2:00pm on either Mondays/Wednesdays or Tuesdays/Thursdays

What behaviors are a good fit for our school?

We can support a wide range of behaviors. However, consistent aggressive behaviors such as hitting, biting, kicking, throwing objects, destroying property, and spitting are not within our capacity to be able to support. We recognize that all behavior is communication, and many times this behavior stems from lack of understanding and flexibility. We also realize that sometimes incidents involving larger scale shutdowns occur and are not within a child’s “typical” behavior.

In order to know whether or not we can support your child, we need to get to know you! Reach out and start a conversation, tell us about your child, ask questions. We are here to work with you to find your child’s success.

Beacon Academy is able to support students who are learning some self-help skills such as shoe tying, putting on outer clothing, limited potty training*, and building other independent skills. We do not have the staffing or facility to be able to support diaper changes, feeding tubes, and other similar high need supports.

Our school strives to be honest and transparent, and it is our mission to be upfront with potential families who are seeking additional resources and support.

*Potty training is dependent on staffing and child’s age. We do not want to put our staff or students in compromising situations.